ATTN Solutions In-Region (QC) Sales ID:
ATTN Solutions Out-of-Region (QCC) Sales ID:
A-Team (QC) Ordering Process:
You will need the Case Number, the Opportunity Number, and the customer on the line. The A-Team will provide an Order Number that must be relayed back to attach to the Master Agent Order.
A-Team (QC) Ordering Toll-free Number:
What is a “Pramata” number?
Pramata is Lumen’s contract tracking software. If you have a Pramata ID, the contract has been loaded into Lumen’s contract tracking system.
What is a an “Oppty ID” number?
This is Lumen’s Salesforce opportunity record ID. Salesforce is the operational tool that Lumen uses to move and track orders through the organization.